Tuesday, December 17, 2013

16 A&B
My College Career (So far)

I have discovered, as a college student, that by giving attention and effort to my classes, that I can achieve a lot more than I thought. I breezed through high school without paying much attention to grades. I got mostly B's, with the occasional A or C. After coming to college (and realizing that I am now paying for my education) I have worked on developing strong study habits and other educational skills. I have started caring about the grades I get- I have an important final tomorrow morning and am currently stressed about maintaining my A in the class. I have also decided that if my professors next semester offer extra credit I will do it. The class I am currently worried about did, and now I am looking back at the course and wishing that I did. 

Even though I have decided to be stricter about my grades, I have also discovered that being more relaxed and open to new ideas and opinions helps in meeting new people. Throughout high school I always tried to be friendly to everyone, and in college this trait helps immensely. Simply laughing at someone's joke, no matter how corny, can cause a new friendship to blossom. I am actually not looking forward to break, as I am accustomed to being with my new friends all the time. Not seeing them will be a hard transition. 

I have also discovered that I am very independent. I prefer to do things on my own schedule than to tag along to others, which I did often in high school. Here, I can be my own person, while in high school you were fit into a mold and expected to behave as you were told. By being independent and my own person at college I have learned much about myself; one of the greatest is that what may be important to others may not be what's important to me. After learning this, I look at life with a new light. I must put my own needs, especially educational, before most others. 

After deciding that majoring in history was not for me, I started looking into photojournalism. I have always had a passion for creative writing and photography, and having a career in what you love is more important, to me, than making a lot of money. Happiness outweighs wealth. I have also decided to double major in advertising, so if photojournalism does not work out for me I have a back up plan. 

I came to Southern knowing I would transfer, and it has been quite an adventure finding a college or university that is in the area where I want to move to and has my majors. The original university I wanted to transfer to was the University of Vermont, or UVM, but they do not have journalism as a major. Luckily for me, there are several colleges in the same city that UVM is located. I then found Champlain College, which has a very good journalism program. I may also move to Georgia, so I discovered that the University of Georgia has an excellent visual journalism program. I haven't looked at their advertising programs yet, as I have decided today that I would like to double major. 

To accomplish this, I must maintain a GPA of at least 3.2. I have around that now, so next semester I am going to try to bump it up to at least a 3.5. I think this is possible, especially if I continue to use the strategies I learned this semester. I am also going to try to join more clubs, even though it may be late in the year to. I have to make sure my transfer application looks as balanced as possible. I fully believe that I can accomplish this, and if I set my mind to something, I make it happen.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Finals Week

I am preparing for finals by going over my notes and making sure all my work is done. I have finals on Wednesday, Thursday, and Tuesday. I am going to start studying for my math exam which is on Wednesday this weekend. I have my Inquiry and Sociology exams on Thursday, so I will start studying on Monday so I have enough time for math as well. My final exam is on Tuesday, the last day of exams. It is History, so I will start studying after my exam on Thursday.

I will make sure that my grades are up and see if there are any last minute extra credit assignments I can complete. I am also going to make sure that I study enough so I get a good grade on my final exams. By getting good test scores, I can improve my grade even more. I am also going to make sure these last days have my full focus so that I can get the best grade possible.
Final Video

What. I learned from watching the rough drafts was that videos seem very awkward when they are quiet and do not have music, so I am going to be sure to include music clips into my video. I also learned that to keep the audience interested in what you are trying to convey, you should break up the video and have introduction slides for a new topic. I am going to continue to do so, as I think that I had been doing that already.

I also learned to stick with the same font, font size and slide length for a professional looking video. Doing this will not be hard to fix, and will pay off immensely. For my feedback, I was told that my font size was too small, so I am going to make it bigger and hopefully it helps my video easier to watch and more professional.

In my final video, I want to include skits and little video clips to enforce my topic and arguments. I am also going to take interviews with students, both who go home on the weekends and who stay on campus. This will not only help with the college-level thinking aspect of the video, but the creative as well. For the skits, I plan on keeping them short and funny, to maintain the creative portion. 


Autonomy is having independence or freedom and to have free will. This word is what America, as a country, is based on. We, the people of the United States, have the freedom and liberty to self govern, which is also what autonomy is. This word comes to play everyday in our society.
Day of Peace

Wednesday night I went to the Day of Peace concert in the ballroom of the Adanti Student Center. It was put on by my roommates inquiry class. I got a free tie dye t-shirt, pizza, and a bracelet. The bands that played were good, even though there were not a lot of people that attended. The event was from around 7 to 10, and I enjoyed it even though I did not stay for the whole thing.